Martina Obid Mlakar
Jewellery designer and restorer

education & awards
November 2019: my Animal Farm collection received Recognition Award from the Designers Society of Slovenija;
May 2019: my work The crown received Special Mention from the Jury of Gioielli in Fermento, Contemporary studio jewellery 2019 International Award, Castel san Giovanni, Italy;
November 2017: my work Under the Skin of the Forest was selected for the Museum collection, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana;
Work experience

RTVSLO, Radio Prvi, September 2021: An Interview
RTVSLO, Kultura, September 2021: About Exhibition Nature and the Castle Hill
RTVSLO, Slovenski magazin, January 2021, in German language
RTVSLO, Slovenski magazin, January 2021, in Italian language
RTVSLO, Kultura, December 2019: About Animal Farm Collection
Dnevnik, May 2019: Martina Obid Mlakar: Nakit, ki ga spremlja smisel

Some of my exhibitions in recent years:
May – October 2022 take part in the exhibition Created in Slovenia, Cukrarna Palace, Ljubljana
May – July 2022 take part in the exhibition TOUCH, the 30th International Jewellery Competition, Legnica Silver Festival, The Gallery of Art in Legnica, Poland
September – November 2021: the exhibition Nature and the Castle Hill, The Cohabitation of Man and Nature in the City, Pentagonal Tower, Ljubljana Castle;
February – March 2020: take part in the exhibion of selected artists, Designers Society of Slovenija, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana;
December 2019 – January 2020: take part in the exhibition Oh du Fichterl!, Kunstwirtschaft Galllery, Graz, Austria;
November 2019: take part in the awarding of the Recognition Award, Designers Society of Slovenija, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana;
September – October 2019: organize the exibition and edit the catalog Žarko Ognjenović, Celi človek, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije;
July 2019: take part in Contemporary Jewellery Creative Weekend, Lazaropole and Skopje, Northern Macedonia;
May – August 2019: the exhibition Bela krizantema, Dialog lepote, dialog srebra in keramike, organize with Varstveno delovni center Tončke Hočevar and illustrator Zoran Smiljanić, Schwentnerjeva hiša, Vransko;
May 2019: the exhibition Narava v mestu, Spreminjanje urbane narave skozi čas, Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor;
May 2019: take part in the Final Students Fashion Show KO – LAB, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana;
May 2019: take part in the selected international contemporary jewellery exhibition Gioielli in Fermento, Contemporary studio jewellery 2019 International award, Castel san Giovanni, Italy;
May 2019: organize and take part in the exhibition Narava in nakit, Galerija Paviljon, Tržič;
April 2018 – February 2019: take part in the exhibition of selected artists Made in Slovenija, Center za kreativnost, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana and Maribor;
December 2018 – January 2019: the exhibition Narava v srcu mesta/Nature in the heart of the city, Stekleni atrij Mestne hiše, Ljubljana Town Hall;
October – November 2018: the exhibition Bela krizantema, Dialog lepote, dialog srebra in keramike, organize with Varstveno delovni center Tončke Hočevar, Galerija Cankarjevega doma, Vrhnika;
September – October 2018: take part in the international artistic jewellery exhibition Tribute to Plečnik – Space of jewellery, Galeria X, Bratislava, Slovakia;
February – March 2018: take part in the exhibion O…oblikovanje! of selected artists of Slovenian desig, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana;
June – August 2018: take part in the international exhibition Design without borders, 13.madeinhungary, Budapest Galeria, Budapest, Hungary;
June 2018: take part in the event Muzejske inspiracije, sodobne kreacije, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj Ormož;
May – June 2018: take part in the international exhibition Tat – Ort – Schmuck, Designmonat
Graz, Kunstwirtschaft Gallery, Graz, Austria;
March – October 2018: take part in the exhibition Zvezdni kamni, tektiti, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije;
May 2018: take part in the presentation of the project Living room, Who are we, Tate Modern,
Tate Exchange, London, United Kingdom;
December 2017: take part in the exhibition Zakulisje, od ideje do nakita, Vetrinjski dvorec, Maribor;
October – December 2017: take part in the exhibition of selected artists Slovene Gifts, Ljubljana;
October – November 2017: take part in the exhibition Dnevna soba: Skupaj ustvarjamo dom, part of the program BIO 25, Poligon, Ljubljana;
October – November 2017: take part in the exhibition Arhitektura večnosti, Galerija Feniks, Ljubljana;
June – November 2017: team member of Occuping wood, 25th Biennial of Design, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana ;
December 2016 – October 2018: take part in the exhibition Gospodarji prehodov, Ptuj na prehod iz
bronaste v železno dobo, Pokrajinskega muzeja Ptuj Ormož;
May 2015 and December 2016: take part in Filo Rosso, 4th International Biennial of Contemporary Jewellery, Palazzo Manzioli, Galleria Drat, Izola, Slovenia and Museo d’Arte Moderna Ugo Carà, Muggia, Italia;
September – December 2014: team member of Fashion System, BIO50, 24th Biennial of Design, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana.